Issuance of new passports
Notice to the General Public
Submission of applications for passports at the Consular Section of the High Commission is strictly by prior appointment.
Appointments for application for passports should be made online via the link
For inquiries on the issuance/renewal of passports, please contact us via email :
Issuance of a New Passport in lieu of a Current / Expired Passport
A Sri Lankan citizen by descent or by registration can apply for a Sri Lankan Passport. Ordinary passports are valid for 10 years from the date of issuance unless otherwise endorsed. A new passport should be obtained on the expiry of 10 years from the date of issue, or if there are no pages for visa endorsements.
Following documents are required to be submitted (Originals with 01 set of photocopies from each – on one side of A4 size paper) along with the duly completed Form K 35 A. Instructions to fill the Passport Application (K 35A)
- Current /most recent Passport (Copies of data/photo page & observation/alteration pages)
- Current visa in the UK/Ireland or UK/Ireland Passport, if the applicant is a dual citizen,
- Confirmation of non-acquisition of British citizenship from the UK Border Agency (Form NQ-• UK Home Office Confirmation letter) ) OR an affidavit* (click here to download the format) certified/attested by the Consular Division of the High Commission to confirm that the applicant has not obtained the British Citizenship at the time of submitting the application for a new passport, if the applicant has been issued one of the following visa categories one year or before:
A i) Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)
ii) Permanent Residence Card (PR)
iii) Settlement
*There is an additional fee of GBP 36/= for certifying/attesting the affidavit.
- Original Birth Certificate (English translation of the birth certificate shall not be considered as the original of it)/probable age certificate of the applicant or a certificate to prove Sri Lankan Citizenship
Certificate can be use for proving Sri Lankan Citizenship
- Certificate of Dual Citizenship
- Certificate of Registration of Birth outside Sri Lanka
- Certificate of citizenship registration under section 8,11,12,13 of citizenship act Sri Lanka
- Certificate of Granting of Citizenship to Indian Origin persons
- Certificate of Granting of Citizenship to Chinese Origin persons
Note : On special occasions where birth certificate is not available, a blank result sheet with regard to the search of the birth certificate/ the original and a photocopy of the birth certificate of a child of the applicant could be submitted
- Appropriate academic/professional certificates are required for skilled professionals and a letter from the employer stating the designation is required for other professions. (If the profession is already included in the previous travel document, no document is required) Please note that including the profession/occupation/job in the passport is not compulsory. It’s optional.)
- Original Marriage Certificate, (Translations are not accepted) if the applicant is married and wishes to have husband’s surname included / changed (from maiden name) in the Passport
- Sri Lankan National Identity Card, Sri Lankan Driving Licence (If available)
- Dual Citizenship Certificate and British Passport (If the applicant is a Dual Citizen)
- If the applicant born outside Sri Lanka and over 21 years of age those applicants need to submit an affidavit affirming that they will retain Sri Lanka citizenship (click here to download the format)
- copy of the payment receipt issued by the High Commission
Minor Applicants (below 16 years of age) Apply for the First Time or Renewal
Following documents are required to be submitted (Originals with 01 set of photocopies from each on one side of A4 size paper) along with the duly completed Form K 35 A application.
- If the application is for renewal current/most recent Passport (Copies of data/photo page & observation/alteration pages) is required
- Original Consular Birth Certificate/ Original Birth Certificate
- If born outside Sri Lanka, Citizenship Certificate or Payment Receipt for Citizenship (if apply for the first time)
- Consent of the Parents(click here to download the format) from both parents
- Current passports of parents (Data page, observation/alteration pages and child inclusion pages)
- Current visa in the UK.
- Parent’s Marriage Certificate ( If they are married)
- Other appropriate documents (such as decision of the court if parents have divorced, death certificate if one or both parents are deceased, documentary evidence with regard to the legal guardianship/custody of minor)
- Copy of the payment receipt issued by the High Commission
Note : Child and both parents should be present to hand over the application
(Validity period of passports for minors below 16 years of age are 03 years)
Passport applications for Buddhist Priests
Following documents are required to be submitted (Originals with 01 set of photocopies from each on one side of A4 size paper) along with the duly completed Form K 35 A application. Instructions to fill the Passport Application (K 35A)
- Current /most recent Passport (Copies of data/photo page & observation/alteration pages)
- Current visa in the UK/Ireland or UK/Ireland Passport, if the applicant is a dual citizen,
- The original of the birth certificate
- Sri Lankan National Identity Card (If available)
- The Samanera certificate or Higher Ordination certificate
- If any of the certificates/documents were issued in a country other than Sri Lanka the original certificate / it’s English translation (if original certificate is not in English) attested by relevant diplomatic Mission in the UK or Sri Lankan Mission accredited to the country of the original certificate is required to submit along with the original certificate
- If the applicant needs to change details of the data page of the new passport
◄ Profession
- If the profession needs high level of qualifications, e.g. Doctor, Engineer, Accountant, Quantity Surveyor, etc… the applicant must provide documents of educational qualification or professional membership status
- For other executive professionals, a service letter should be provided
- For unskilled jobs e.g. labor, house maid, no document required
◄ National Identity Card – New NIC copy or letter from RPD
◄ Name / Date of Birth/ Place of Birth – Fresh Birth Certificate copy/ Extract with amendments
◄ Name after Marriage – Marriage Certificate
- Photograph
- Coloured identical three (03) photographs (Size – 3.5cm x 4.5cm) in white background taken within three months at the time of apply
- The appearance of the applicant should be clearly identifiable
- The background and the dress should not be in same colour
- The face must be clearly visible without any makeup and other effects
- The ears and forehead must be clearly visible
- The photo should show the applicants’ eyes clearly without spectacles
- Applicants who request to wear caps and scarves may do so, but photographs should ensure to make forehead and ears are clearly visible. Shadows of the scarves should not reflect on the face.
(Photo booth facility is available at the High Commission premises at the cost of £8 which is self operated)
- The Prescribed Fee:
- For ‘M’ or ‘N’ Series Passport holders – £125/-
- For ‘L’,’K’. and ‘J’ Series passport holders – £295/-
- Payment Details:
Method of Payment – Cash, Postal Order or Banker’s Draft only
(Postal Order/Banker’s Draft should be drawn in favour of Sri Lanka High Commission)
Please note that personal cheques will not be accepted.
Additional amount will be charged if the photocopies are taken from the High Commission.
Instructions for Complete Applications
- Application should be filled preferably in BLOCK LETTERS
- If the applicant is present at the Sri Lanka High Commission in London to submit the application for a new passport, attestation of signature in the application will be done free of charge.
- If the applicant sends the passport application by post, signature in the application should be certified/attested by a Solicitor registered in the UK or by a General Practitioner (GP) (This applies for the certification in the application and for affidavit if required) .
- Applicant must sign inside both of the boxes immediately below the photographs. Please ensure that the signature does not touch the borders.
- For minor Applicants who are unable to sign, parents can write a part of the child’s name in the signature cages. (Parents must not place their signature or write their name on the child’s passport application).
- Declaration of the applicant: Applicant must fill and sign the declaration. If the applicant is unable to sign (Minors), a parent can sign the declaration.
Instructions for sending the application by post
- Applicant should send the duly completed/certified application along with all the originals of the required documents with one set of photocopies. (on one side of A4 size paper)
- Postal Order/Banker’s Draft for an amount of £ 125/= drawn in favour of Sri Lanka High Commission
- Please provide a self-addressed prepaid special delivery envelope to the weight of 500g along with your application form, to return the new passport along with previous passport and the other documents submitted.
Special Notes:
- Submission of forged certificates or any other documents as well as making false declarations is an offence. Such cases will be reported to relevant authorities.
- Fees will not be refunded under any circumstance.
- The High Commission will not take any responsibility for documents lost /damaged in the post.
- Fees of rejected applications will not be refunded.
- If the passports and documents are to be returned by post, you should provide a self-addressed prepaid special delivery envelope to the weight of 500g along with your application form.
Applications sent without prepaid special delivery cover/ or postage will be retained until the applicant collects it personally.
- The issuing authority of new passports is the Department of Immigration and Emigration of Sri Lanka Colombo. Therefore, the total processing time for a new passport is normally 8-12 weeks, from the date of submission of the completed application. Usually the High Commission forwards the applications received, to the Department of Immigration through the Foreign Ministry once week. The High Commission cannot guarantee the issuance of passport within a specific time period.
- When the High Commission received the processed new passport, the applicant will be informed by a sms/email to the given contact details. The passport will be issued only to the applicant. If the applicant is a child below 16 the parent who applied could receive the passport.
Note : If the applicant is unable to come to the High Commission to collect the passport/ documents, please send a self addressed prepaid special delivery envelope together with the current passport, a request letter and the yellow colour receipt to get it by the recorded mail.
Applicants are advised to peruse the ‘Alterations & Observations’ pages in the passport for any restrictions imposed by the Immigration Department.
Procedure for Biometric Collection upon arrival in Sri Lanka
The collection of biometrics (fingerprints and digital facial image) from passport applicants has been made mandatory with effect from 1stJanuary 2018 by the Department of Immigration and Emigration of Sri Lanka [DIE].
All Sri Lankans between the ages 16-60 years applying for a Sri Lankan Passport through the Sri Lanka High Commission in London will be required to provide bio metric data to the Department of Immigration and Emigration upon his /her first entry to Sri Lanka.
Please note that departure from Sri Lanka will be allowed only after completion of this requirement.
An applicant who has been issued a new passport from 01/01/2018, the following procedures to be followed at the port of entry.
- On arrival in Sri Lanka you should directly report to the Primary Immigration Counter or directly to the Chief Immigration Officer [CIO]
- System generated Biometric Data Acquisition Form [BDA] will be issued to you in duplicate with a unique reference number along with a guidance note.
- Fill and sign the Form [BDA] in duplicate and produce it to the Senior Authorized Officer at the collection desk. One copy of the BDA will be returned to you, to be produced to the Department of Immigration and Emigration [DIE] at the time of biometric enrolment.
Please note that there are no facilities at port of departure to provide biometrics.
You may have an appointment for fingerprints submission via online reservation system; BDA form should be submitted to the Overseas Mission Division of the DIE headquarters at Battaramulla or to one of the regional offices (Matara/ Kandy/ Vavuniya/Kurunegala)
Special Notes
- Upon providing biometrics, Department will issue a system generated receipt to confirm completion of biometrics acquisition process. (Recommend to retain the receipt until departure from Sri Lanka)
- No payment is required for biometrics;
- Completion of biometric enrolment process will take approximately 30-45 minutes;
- After completion of this process, the system will be automatically activated/updated facilitating the departure of the applicant from Sri Lanka;