Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena underscores the importance of adequate funding for development initiatives enabling developing countries to overcome the multifaceted challenges hindering the achievement of SDGs

Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena reiterated the call of the Group of 77 for adequate funding for development initiatives enabling developing countries to overcome the multifaceted challenges hindering the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in the context of the exacerbated global situation due to the pandemic and its adverse effects on trade, tourism, investment and employment.

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State Minister for Regional Co-operation Tharaka Balasuriya joins the Vice Foreign Minister Level video conference on COVID-19, 10 November 2020

A Vice-Ministerial level Dialogue took place on 10 November 2020 with the participation of High Level Officials of the Foreign Ministries of China, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. While China was represented by Vice Minister Luo Zhaohui, State Minister for Regional Co-operation Tharaka Balasuriya spoke at the conference representing Sri Lanka.

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The Speech Delivered by the Hon. Foreign Minister of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka at the Launch of the UN Network on Migration in Sri Lanka, 11 November 2020


Mr. Chairman,

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests

I am deeply honoured to deliver the opening address at the Launch of the Sri Lanka Chapter of the United Nations Global Network on Migration. At the outset may I take the opportunity to extend a warm appreciation to Her Excellency Madam Hanaa Singer, the UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka and Mr. Sarat Dash, Chief of the International Organization for Migration for inviting me to deliver the opening address at this event.

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