The Speech Delivered by the Hon. Foreign Minister of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka at the Launch of the UN Network on Migration in Sri Lanka, 11 November 2020


Mr. Chairman,

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests

I am deeply honoured to deliver the opening address at the Launch of the Sri Lanka Chapter of the United Nations Global Network on Migration. At the outset may I take the opportunity to extend a warm appreciation to Her Excellency Madam Hanaa Singer, the UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka and Mr. Sarat Dash, Chief of the International Organization for Migration for inviting me to deliver the opening address at this event.

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State Minister for Regional Co-operation Tharaka Balasuriya reaffirms President Rajapaksa’s commitment for 80% renewable energy to the UK’s Regional Ambassador for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference

State Minister for Regional Co-operation Tharaka Balasuriya reaffirmed President Rajapaksa’s commitment for 80% renewable energy to UK’s COP26 Regional Ambassador for Asia/Pacific and South Asia Ken O’Flaherty during a virtual discussion on 27 October 2020.

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Appeal on the LTTE proscription in the UK

The Government of Sri Lanka has been made aware of the Open Judgement by the Proscribed Organizations Appeals Commission (POAC) of the United Kingdom dated 21 October 2020.

The decision of the POAC arises from an appeal filed in May 2019 by an LTTE front organization challenging the decision of the UK Secretary of State for Home Affairs dated 8 March 2019, which refused the application by the group to de-proscribe the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) from the list of Proscribed Organizations under the UK Terrorism Act of 2000.

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