Minister Harsha de Silva presents ‘Opportunity Sri Lanka’ at the London Stock Exchange
At UNGA Sri Lanka calls for an integrated and balanced approach in the prevention of drug use and abuse

Ms. Pramuditha Manusinghe, Assistant Director of the UN and HR Division
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Sri Lanka has called for an integrated and balanced approach in the prevention of drug use and abuse, noting that tackling this issue requires both the reduction in supply and demand, as well as combating trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as well as treatment and rehabilitation of drug users.
Sri Lanka hosts the First Meeting of the Mangrove Ecosystems and Livelihood Action Group under the Commonwealth Blue Charter
Sri Lanka assures support to further the Global Disarmament Agenda
Sri Lanka says Intellectual Property vital for Socio-Economic advancement
Addressing the 59th Session of the WIPO General Assemblies on 20 September 2019, the delegation of Sri Lanka recalled how strengthened Intellectual Property systems remained critical to the effective pursuit of economic and social development, by enabling developing countries to be fully engaged in the global economy driven by knowledge and innovation.
Sri Lanka says tangible assistance needed to consolidate on Sri Lanka’s restoration of normalcy post 21/4

Foreign Secretary Ravinatha Aryasinha with Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General, Office of Counter-Terrorism (OCT)
Foreign Secretary Ravinatha Aryasinha who is presently leading the Sri Lanka delegation to the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly, met with Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General, Office of Counter-Terrorism (OCT) and his team and Ms. Michéle Coninsx, Assistant-Secretary-General (ASG) and Executive Director of the Counter- Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly this week. Ambassador Kshenuka Senewiratne, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations, and other senior officials were associated with the Foreign Secretary.
“Full Statement” and “Delivery Text” of Mr. Ravinatha Aryasinha, Secretary, Foreign Affairs and Leader of the Delegation of Sri Lanka at the 74th UN General Assembly on 30th September 2019
Foreign Secretary Aryasinha underscores the relevance of the Bandung Principles as global multilateral mechanisms come under strain
Foreign Secretary Aryasinha discusses obstacles placed on Sri Lanka’s Peacekeeping Contribution to the UN

Foreign Secretary Ravinatha Aryasinha and Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the UN in New York H.E. Mrs. Kshenuka Senewiratne and Sri Lanka delegation meeting with Under Secretary General of the United Nations Department of Peace Operations (USSG/UNDPO), Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, at the UN Headquarters in New York on 27th September 2019