HE Rohitha Bogollagama, High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to the United Kingdom paid a courtesy call on Right Reverend Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury  

The High Commissioner paid a courtesy call on Right Reverend Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury on 11 January 2024 at the Lambeth Palace, London. Anglican paternity led by the Archbishop prayed at the St-Mary-at-Lambeth church for the salvation of Sri Lanka before the meeting.

The High Commissioner and the Archbishop recalled the history of the Church of Ceylon which was established in 1845 as an extra-provincial jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Canterbury and exchanged views on the reforms to be proposed for the Church of Sri Lanka.

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HE Rohitha Bogollagama met the Rt Hon. Ranil Jayawardena, Conservative Party Member of Parliament for Northeast Hampshire, United Kingdom

The High Commissioner met Rt. Hon. Ranil Jayawardena on 10 January 2024 at the at the House of Commons. The High Commissioner and the Parliamentarian discussed an array of topics of mutual interest which include contemporary international relations, constitutional reforms, diaspora engagement and the reconciliation process in Sri Lanka.

The High Commissioner briefed MP Jayawardena on the evolution of the Constitution of Sri Lanka in the changing political landscape and its approaches to devolve power to the periphery. Two dignitaries had a lengthy conversation on constitutional amendments and governance in Sri Lanka. » Read more

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