Sri Lanka reaffirms significant pledges for UN Peacekeeping Operations

His Excellency Rohitha Bogollagama, Special Representative/Special Envoy of H.E. Ranil Wickremesinghe, President of Sri Lanka who is attending the 2023 United Nations Peacekeeping Ministerial meeting held on 05th & 06th December 2023 delivered Sri Lanka’s country statement and pledges for the United Nations Peacekeeping operations on 06.12.2023 in Accra, Ghana while showcasing Sri Lanka’s collective commitment to United Nations peacekeeping.

At the outset, the Special Representative/Envoy on behalf of the President of Sri Lanka and people of Sri Lanka extended highest tribute to the fallen peacekeepers who sacrificed their lives for peacekeeping operations and also recognized the strong commitment and political  will of the Member States of the United Nations for peacekeeping operations in conflict affected countries in  the world. The Special Envoy commended the Republic of Ghana for hosting the 2023 United Nations Peacekeeping Ministerial in Accra which is the first time in Africa.

While highlighting the contribution made by the Sri Lankan forces  in the UN peacekeeping, the Special Envoy recognized that peacekeeping is one of the most effective tools for the promotion and maintenance of sustainable peace and security on a global level. He also recognized that President Wickremasinghe being the Minister of Defence has given strong attention to the engagement with the United Nations peacekeeping forces for sustainable peace, security, social and economic development.

With respect to the 2023 United Nations Peacekeeping Ministerial, the Special Envoy recognized that the ongoing engagements in Accra will contribute immensely for the collective effort of the member states of the United Nations and political dealership of respective countries who pledged their support to strengthen the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations in need-based manner, and also formulating necessary policies and resources for positive impact on United Nations’ peacekeeping operations particularly for vulnerable communities across the world.

While demonstrating Sri Lanka’s continued commitment and contributions to global peacekeeping efforts in line with relevant international regulations and established principles of sustainable peacekeeping particularly in view of reducing environmental footprint, inclusion of women in peacekeeping, protection of civilians, and improving safety and mental health of peacekeepers, while ensuring innovation in peacekeeping to ensure more diverse and inclusive operations, the Special Envoy  Bogollagama also assured that Sri Lankan military personnel are well-prepared to undertake new missions in the global quest for peace, in short notice.

With better conviction of the significant role played by the female peacekeepers to achieve sustainable peace, social integration, safety and mental health of peacekeepers, while ensuring proper environmental management, the Special Envoy  Bogollagama during his deliberation announced that Sri Lankan women peacekeepers who are specialized in critical domains such as demining, explosive substances, security and civil-military cooperation, are ready to deploy within a short notice for incoming United Nations peacekeeping operations.

Outlining the outstanding contribution made by Sri Lanka for over the last six decades by deploying more than twenty one thousand Sri Lankan peacekeepers who have played a significant role in many peacekeeping endeavors while ensuring active and unwavering participation in most challenging peacekeeping missions, Special Envoy Bogollagama reiterated Sri Lanka’s committed contribution to the United Nations peacekeeping operations particularly in the areas of strategic communication.

It was further announced that Sri Lanka remains fully committed to the pledges made in view of  supporting the noble cause of international peace, while ensuring Sri Lanka’s readiness to engage with the United Nations Department of Peace Operations and relevant partners to further strengthen Sri Lanka’s contribution to UN peacekeeping and deployment of expertises and resources for the peacekeeping operations. The special envoy announced that the Government of Sri Lanka is willing to pledge high performance specialized units that are required for diversified tasks of peacekeeping.

Further, as a Troop Contributing Country while extending Sri Lanka’s pledges during the 2023 UN Peacekeeping Ministerial in the interest of global peace and security, the Special Envoy registered his concern with regard to the safety and security of peacekeepers including  their mental health who continue to operate in regions with persistent conflicts, heightened violence and challenging terrains. Attention was drawn to the formidable challenges the peacekeeping missions are confronted with when resolving conflicts peacefully, through diplomatic endeavors while ensuring enduring solutions in terms of effective impact on sustainable peace, stability, and continuous social and economic development.

While registering that Sri Lanka will continue to commit for peacekeeping endeavors of the United Nations peacekeeping operations, the Special Envoy assured during his interaction with respective interlocutors during the 2023 United Nations Peacekeeping Ministerial in Accra, the stable and reliable presence of highly professional personnel who can contribute meaningfully to the peacekeeping operations in pursuit of lasting peace and security in regions that they are required to serve.

The 2023 United Nations Peacekeeping Ministerial concluded on 06.12.2023 in Accra, Ghana with a large number of significant pledges and commitments made by the participating member states of the United Nations in terms of more diverse and inclusive peacekeeping operations.


Delegation of Sri Lanka
2023 United Nations Peacekeeping Ministerial
Accra, Ghana
