කාරුණික දැන්වීමයි

එක්සත් රාජධානියේ  ශ්‍රී ලංකා මහ කොමසාරිස් කාර්යාලය සම්බන්ධයෙන් සමාජ මාධ්‍ය වල මේ දිනවල සංසරණය වන පුවතක්  සම්බන්ධව අපගේ අවධානය යොමුව ඇත.

එහි සඳහන් කරුණු සියල්ලම සත්‍යයෙන් තොර, පදනම් විරහිත, නිසි සොයා බැලීමකින් තොරව සහ ද්වේශ සහගත අරමුණින්  සිදුකරන ලද අභූත චෝදනා වේ. » Read more

Invitation for Bids

Invitation for Bids

Invitation for international bid proposals from reputed and experienced agencies for selection of a Destination Representation Company in the UK to facilitate PR and Communication activities of Global Communication Campaign 2021 – 2025

Tender Ref. No. SLTPB/GCC/2020/DA/005

The Chairman, Standing Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee of Ministry of Tourism invites sealed bid proposals from reputed and experienced agencies for selection of a Destination Representation Company in the UK to facilitate PR and Communication activities of Global Communication Campaign 2021 – 2025, in coordination with Campaign Management Unit on behalf of Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB). » Read more

CICA has a vital role to play and can render yeoman service under the current circumstances, states Foreign Minister Peiris  

Foreign Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris stated that the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) has a vital role to play and can render yeoman service under the current circumstances to all its Member and Observer States, when the Executive Director of CICA Kairat Sarybay paid a courtesy call on the Minister in New York.

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Statement by Foreign Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris at the Ministerial Sessions on ‘Foreign Policy and Religion’ at the G20 Interfaith Forum, Bologna, Italy

Mr. Chairman, distinguished panelists, ladies, and gentlemen. Both the Maltese Minister and the Rector in their remarks spoke of the interface between religion and foreign policy. There is clearly an interface. The Rector, in her concluding remarks, also used the word ‘cynical’. There’s also a great deal of cynicism and skepticism that is all too evident, and I think there is a fundamental cause for this. There is the widespread conviction that foreign policy decisions are often made without any regard to ethical or moral factors. It is a question of loyalty to a group to which one happens to belong and then uncritically one follows a course of action that is dictated by that group. There is no attempt to search one’s own conscience, decide what is wrong, what is right in a particular situation.

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State Minister Tharaka Balasuriya participates in tourism promotion campaign in Moscow

State Minister of Regional Co-operation Tharaka Balasuriya undertook an official visit to Russia from 5– 8 September 2021, to participate at the opening of the Sri Lanka pavilion at the “OTDYKH Leisure Fair” and a Sri Lanka tourism promotion campaign in Moscow. Sri Lanka’s participation at these events were organized by the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau targeting the winter season tourists from Russia.

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